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2014/2/8 10:29:20

 英菲尼迪总裁Johan de Nysschen近日透露,车厂正与戴姆勒共同开发全新平台。他在接受彭博新闻社采访时透露,未来基于该平台结构将衍生出四款不同车型,首款车型将于2017年发布。虽然目前不清楚这些车型,但这位高管证实,其中至少有一款车将是跨界车。先前有报道称,戴姆勒和雷诺-日产在2010年结成战略联盟并推出了奔驰Citan,英菲尼迪Q30和下一代Smart ForTwo/雷诺Twingo。而柴油版英菲尼迪Q50也搭载了由奔驰提供的2.0升涡轮增压引擎,最大功率157千瓦/211马力,扭矩320牛米。
Daimler & Infiniti developing a new platform, will spawn four models
Infiniti President Johan de Nysschen has revealed the company is developing a brand-new platform with Daimler.
Speaking to Bloomberg, de Nysschen said the architecture will underpin four different vehicles and the first model will be launched in 2017. Little is known about the models but the executive confirmed at least one of them will be a crossover.
As we have previously reported, Daimler and Renault-Nissan formed a strategic alliance in 2010 and that partnership has formed the basis of the Mercedes Citan, Infiniti Q30 and the next-generation Smart ForTwo / Renault Twingo. The diesel-powered Infiniti Q50 also has a Mercedes-sourced turbocharged 2.0-liter engine that develops 211 bhp (157 kW) and 236 lb-ft (320 Nm) of torque.
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