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2014/2/6 21:20:21

斯巴鲁Levorg掀背车数字合成图近日现身国外网站,该车将成为翼豹掀背车更具吸引力替代车型。斯巴鲁希望将全新Levorg打造成一款真正的运动旅行车,但实际上它是一款相对于车厂其他车型设计更具吸引力的旅行车。该车在合成图作者Theophilus Chin的笔下变身成一辆掀背车,其外观比翼豹掀背车更具新鲜感和吸引力。斯巴鲁并没有表示计划推出更多Levorg衍生车型的计划,但车厂新车将采用Levorg的某些元素,这些车型目前已经在日本上市。
Subaru Levorg hatchback render is an attractive Impreza alternative
The Subaru Levorg has been digitally envisioned with the hatchback body style which would be an appealing alternative to the Impreza hatchback.
Subaru characterizes its all-new Levorg model as a "real sports tourer" but basically it's a wagon with a more appealing design compared to some of the company's recent products. The model was transformed into a hatchback by Theophilus Chin and dare we say it looks fresh and more attractive compared to the Impreza hatchback.
Subaru hasn't said anything about diversifying the Levorg lineup but chances are the styling of future models will be influenced by the Levorg which is now available in Japan, with deliveries programmed to kick off in the spring.
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