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雷克萨斯正在开发新款IS F
2014/1/30 13:22:47

据日本媒体报道,雷克萨斯将推出新款IS F。虽然该车细节有限,但它可能深受最近北美车展亮相的RC F轿跑车影响。这意味着这款轿车可能会采用更具侵略性车身组件,运动调校悬挂和可提供三种模式的扭矩矢量差速器。该车动力系统很可能是一台5.0升V8引擎,最大功率335千瓦/450马力,扭矩518牛米。RC F 0-60英里/小时(约合96公里)加速时间不到4.6秒,最高时速270公里。
Lexus IS F could still be in the works
According to reports out of Japan, Lexus could offer a new IS F.
Details are limited but the model would be heavily influenced by the RC F Coupe which recently debuted at the North American International Auto Show. This means the sedan could come equipped with an aggressive body kit, a sport-tuned suspension and a Torque Vectoring Differential with three different modes.
Power would likely be provided by a 5.0-liter V8 engine that develops more than 450 bhp (335 kW) and 383 lb-ft (518 Nm) of torque. In the RC F, it enables the coupe to accelerate from 0-60 mph in less than 4.6 seconds and hit an estimated top speed of 168 mph (270 km/h).
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