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2014/1/10 9:27:15

马自达负责动力系统研发的高管近日透露了下一代创驰蓝天引擎的最新细节。马自达汽车株式会社执行董事、动力总成开发本部本部长人见光夫(Mitsuo Hitomi)对美国《汽车新闻》表示,创驰蓝天2引擎将于2020年左右问世,其燃油经济性将比目前的创驰蓝天引擎提升30%。他拒绝透露细节,但表示:“如果想要大幅提升燃油经济性,唯一的做法是通过稀薄燃烧技术。”据预测,新引擎的压缩比能达到18:1,而目前的床驰蓝天引擎压缩比为14:1。更重要的是,这些引擎还采用了类似柴油引擎的均质压缩燃烧系统。这位高管还暗示,未来还将推出创驰蓝天3引擎,其热效率将进一步提升,同时二氧化碳排放量更低。
Mazda powertrain boss says Skyactiv 2 engines will be 30% more fuel efficient
Mazda's executive officer of powertrain development has revealed some new details about the next-generation of Skyactiv engines.
Speaking with Automotive News, Mitsuo Hitomi said the Skyactiv 2 engines will be introduced around 2020 and be roughly 30% more fuel efficient than the current Skyactiv lineup.
Hitomi declined to go into specifics but told the publication "If we want to dramatically improve fuel economy from here, the only route is through lean burning." Speculation suggests the engines could have a compression ratio of 18:1 which would be a notable increase from the current 14:1 ratio. Furthermore, the engines are slated to use a homogeneous charge compression ignition system that operates like a diesel engine.
The executive also hinted that we can expect Skyactiv 3 engines to arrive further down the road with improved thermal efficiencies and reduced CO2 emissions.
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