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2016/8/31 8:50:24

特斯拉目前已经有两款车——Model S和Model X在售,明年还将投产Model 3,最近还并购了SolarCity,已经够忙的了。但马斯克在他的《特斯拉蓝图之第二篇章》中透露,他还有新的规划,计划在未来两年内推出首款MPV电动车。该车基于Model X,但不会采用目前的设计语言,但预计将采用更实用的车尾。为了能更好的展示这款车,Theophilus Chin最近绘制了该车合成图。他同样以 Model X为参展物。车头和前半部分与特斯拉现行版几乎一样,而车尾则进一步向下倾斜,从而变身成一辆更宽敞的MOV车型。无论你是否喜欢MPV车型,这都是一个非常漂亮的合成图,而且它的性能也将向特斯拉其他车型一样优异。预计特斯拉将于明年发布一款概念版车型。
Tesla minivan concept looks like the coolest family hauler around
With two cars already in the lineup, the Model S and Model X, the Model 3 slated for production in 2017, and the recent acquisition of SolarCity, Tesla definitely has its hands full. But in Elon Musks’ “Master Plan, Part Deux,” along with a host of unique ideas, at least one other vehicle is expected to be introduced sometime in the next two years - a minibus.
Using the Model X as a base, the minibus likely won’t stray much from the current design language, but it is expected to include a more useful rear end. In order to better visualize such a vehicle, rendering artist Theophilus Chin created his own vision of a Tesla van.
Like the expected final product, Chin used the Model X as a reference point. The front end and first half of the concept look nearly identical to the current model, it’s not until you wander further back into the design that the sloped rear end of the Model X transforms into a more spacious minivan.
Regardless of whether you’re a minivan fan or not, it’s a handsome rendering, and one that should be more than well off in performance given its speedy siblings. Though we don’t know much about the proposed vehicle, we do know that it could arrive as a concept as early as 2017.
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