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众泰产品规划提前曝光 SUV等4款新车将上市
2017/8/16 11:00:11




众泰汽车今年已经推出了T700、T600 Coupe、Z560等车型,覆盖轿车及SUV领域。到今年年底前,众泰汽车还将推出4款全新或改款车型,包括T300、T500、T800与Z700S,其中SUV达3款。此举将丰富众泰的产品序列,旗下车型将满足不同的市场定位及需求。众泰T300的车身尺寸为4405*1830*1665(不含行李架)毫米,轴距为2610毫米。新车该车前脸采用多横幅式六边形进气格栅,搭配细长的前大灯组。雾灯区域选用不规则多边形设计,搭配熏黑处理的轮毂与红色刹车卡钳,凸显整车运动感。众泰T300将分别搭载代号为TNN4G15T和TNN4G15B的1.5T发动机和1.5L发动机,综合油耗最低为6.7L/100km。新车将在众泰重庆新工厂生产,年产能将达4万辆。众泰T500的外观保持了诸多的原创设计,两侧大灯均为LED灯组。前进气口也加入了具有中国特色的装饰。众泰T500的内饰选用黑、白颜色搭配,中控台配备了液晶屏幕,下方的控制面板为多媒体触控屏,可以调节空调温度及冷热风切换。众泰T500预计搭载与T600相同的1.5T发动机,这款发动机的最大功率为119千瓦,峰值扭矩为215牛米,传动系统匹配的是5速手动与6速双离合变速箱。新车的动力参数与吉利博越1.8T低功率版车型相近。众泰T800将是一款硬派SUV车型,这款车的外观线条将会十分硬朗,内饰设计和科技配置也会成为亮点。该款车上市后,预计会与哈弗H9、大通D90等车型展开竞争。众泰Z700S(或命名S700)可以看做是众泰Z700的升级改款车型,预计新车在外观、内饰细节上进行调整,更具有商务气息。


Zotye exposes its product plans and four new models will be launched

Zotye has launched T700, T600 Coupe and Z560 this year, covering car and SUV markets. It’s known that four new or facelift models will be launched by the end of year, including T300, T500, T800 and Z700S, meeting demands for different markets.


Zotye T300


Zotye T300 has a body size of 4,405*1,830*1,665mm with a wheelbase of 2,610mm. The new model has many colors to choose for its exterior image. The model uses hexagon inlet grilles, equipping with the long front lights. Fog lights use polygon design, showing a sporting image. It will equip with 1.5L engines named as TNN4G15T and TNN4G15B, with the minimum comprehensive oil consumption of 6.7L per hundred kilometers. The new model will be produced in Chongqing factory, with an annual capacity of 40,000 units.


Zotye T500


It keeps the original design in its exterior design, with LED lights in both sides. The front air inlet grilles also use Chinese-style decoration. The interior decoration uses black with white, equipping with LCD screen in central panel. The controlling panel in the bottom part can adjust temperatures of air-conditioners. It’s expected to equip with 1.5T engines, similar to Zotye T500. The engine has a maximum power of 119KW, with peak torque of 215 NM. The transmission system equips with 5-speed MT or 6-speed dual-clutch transmission boxes.


Zotye T800


The SUV model will show straight lines in its exterior design, and the interior design also shows spotlights. The model will compete with Haval H9 and Maxus D90.


Zotye Z700S


As Z700’s facelift model, the new model will show adjustments in exterior design and interior details, which is more suitable for commercial staff.

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