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T700L/T800等 众泰公布多款新车规划
2017/6/28 12:31:13


众泰未来除了推出已经亮相过的众泰T300、众泰T500和众泰T700之外,接下来还将推出全新MPV、众泰S300、众泰S700、众泰T700L、众泰T800等多款车型。众泰全新MPV:众泰汽车此前曾推出过一款众泰M300,这款车定位于一款家用MPV车型,不过其造型设计与我们常见的MPV车型有一定的出入。接下来,众泰计划推出一款全新MPV车型,这款车定位为一款入门级的MPV车型,造型也符合MPV车型的一贯设计。未来,我们预计这款车会与比亚迪宋七座版、吉利全新MPV等车型展开竞争。众泰S300:众泰S300是一款主打年轻市场的轿车,新车将会采用溜背式轿跑设计风格,并加入了时下比较流行的悬浮式车顶。从官方的演示图来看,这款车的侧面造型与日产LANNIA 蓝鸟十分相似,预计两款车会有相似的风格。众泰S700:从官方的信息来看,众泰S700可以看做是众泰Z700的升级改款车型,预计新车在外观、内饰细节上进行调整,更具有商务气息。不过目前关于这款车的信息还比较少,让我们拭目以待。众泰T700L:众泰T700L是基于众泰T700打造的另一款中大型SUV,从车型名字中的“L”可以看出,新车有望对轴距进行加长。此外,这款车将提供四座和七座的座椅布局,分别满足商务和家用的需求。众泰T800:众泰T800与众泰现有的SUV定位有所差异,因为这是一款硬派SUV车型,根据官方介绍,这款车的外观设计将会十分硬朗,内饰设计和科技配置也会是亮点。这款车上市后,预计会与哈弗H9、大通D90等车型展开竞争。当然,这款车预计也会采用非承载式车身设计。
Zotye Auto released new model plan including T700L and T800
We learn from Zotye Auto’s official website that Zotye will launch new MPV, Zotye S300, Zotye S700, Zotye T700L, Zotye T800 and other models in the future.
Zotye new MPV:Different from the family MPV model M300, the new MPV will be positioned at an entry-level MPV with an ordinary exterior design. We expect the new model will compete with BYD Song 7-seat model and Geely New MPV in the future.
Zotye S300:Zotye S300 mainly targets at the youngsters’ market, with the fastback design and popular suspension roof. The side profile is similar with Nissan Lannia Bluebird. It’s expected that the two models will have similar designing styles.
Zotye S700:As Z700’s facelift model, Zotye S700 shows more business features. But little information on the model is provided yet.
Zotye T700L:As a middle-and-large-size SUV based on T700, T700L is expected to have longer wheelbases. Besides, the model will provide 4-seat and 7-seat choices respectively for business and family use.
Zotye T800:Different from Zotye’s current SUV models, the off-road SUV model T800 will show straight lines in its exterior design. Interior designs and scientific and technological configurations will also be spotlights. It’s expected that the model will compete with Haval H9 and Datong D90 after its launch.
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