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2017/6/28 12:30:32


如今,SUV 车型已然成为了各家车企必争之地。随着车市旺季的来临,长安福特、长城汽车多家车企纷纷祭出“官降”这一杀手锏以期抢占市场,4月销量下跌的长安翼虎、哈弗H6等车型更是首当其冲。长安翼虎:今年第二季度开始,长安福特方面率先开始了官方降价。4月初,长安福特翼虎车型开始官降,降价幅度在0.5万-1.8万元不等。据经销商介绍,翼虎的“官降”背后,也是为新款车型—EcoBoost 180 两驱铂翼型造势。据悉,经过配置升级的翼虎两驱铂翼型定名为“EcoBoost 180 两驱虎跃型”,是翼虎的2017款车型。不过,目前“官降”还是没拦得住4月份翼虎销量大跌,单月只卖出1879辆,同比下跌73.7%,前四月累计销量仅为20856辆,同比腰斩。哈弗系列:随着今年市场竞争的日趋激烈,作为SUV车型销量霸主的长城也感受到了危机感。就在3月底,长城汽车豪发10亿元红包补贴哈弗系列购车者。10亿元这个数字对于2015年销售费用只有28.4亿元的长城来说并不是小数字。长城分明感受到了来自竞争对手的压力,才大发红包意欲强化市场占有率。根据全国乘用车联席会的产销数据(以下简称“乘联会”),今年4月份哈弗系列车型销量为62120辆,同比下跌7.3%。长安欧尚:续蝉联8年自主品牌销量冠军的长安汽车今年也坐不住了。4月份销量同比下滑27.61%后,长安旗下欧尚品牌宣布旗下长安CX70车型全系官降8000元,最高降价幅度达到1万元。降价之后,该款车型的售价为5.99万-7.69万元,下探到6万元以下。乘联会数据显示,4月份,长安汽车销量仅为44646辆,同比暴跌49.6%。宝骏560:5月份,宝骏品牌宣布旗下560车型最高官降7000元,活动截至2017年5月31日。根据乘联会的统计数据,4月份,宝骏560销量为10019辆,同比下跌59.9%。虽然这些车型降价,但仍有一些车型加价销售,包括大众途昂、冠道和UR-V。
Price Cut in SUV like Haval H6
Today, auto enterprises are fighting in the SUV market. With coming of the boom season of auto market, a number of auto enterprises like Changan Ford and Great Wall have resorted to "official markdown" in order to grab the opportunity, especially Changan Kuga and Haval H6, whose sales decreased in April.
Changan Kuga:Since the second quarter of this year, Changan Ford took the lead in cutting down the official price. In early April, Changan Ford Kuga began cut their prices, with the range from 5,000 to 18,000 yuan.
However, sales of Kuga still dropped in April despite of the "official markdown". It sold only 1,879 vehicles in April, a year-on-year decrease of 73.7%.
Haval series:With the increasingly fierce competition in the market this year, Great Wall, as the leader of SUV, also feels a sense of crisis. At the end of March, Great Wall distributed 1 billion yuan to those consumers who bought models of Haval series.
One billion yuan is not a small number for Great Wall, whose sales was only 2.84 billion yuan in 2015. They clearly felt the pressure from competitors, so they resorted to big red packets intended to strengthen the market share. According to NPCA(National Passenger Cars Association), the sales of Haval series was 62,120 vehicles in April, a year-on-year decrease of 7.3%.
Changan Oushang:Sales of Oushang in April fell 27.61% compared to the previous year. Prices of Oushang CX70 was all cut by 8,000 yuan, some even by 10,000 yuan. According to NPCA, sales of Changan in April was only 44,646 vehicles, a year-on-year slump of 49.6%.
Baojun 560:Baojun 560 announced its highest official markdown is 7,000 yuan in May. The deadline of the sales is May 31, 2017. According to NPCA, sales of Baojun 560 was 10,019 vehicles, a decrease of 59.9% compared to the previous year.
While these models have cut down their prices, some models still sell well despite of their increased price such as Teramont, Avancier, and UR-V. 
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