当前位置: 首页 >> 宝马将于2021年推出高度自动驾驶技术
2017/6/27 9:23:07

宝马已经加入了由Mobileye和英特尔组成的自动驾驶技术开发联盟,未来宝马自动驾驶车型将采用上述公司开发的技术。首款采用自动驾驶系统的车型将于2021年推出。这项称为iNext的计划将使车辆自动驾驶水平达到Level 4和5的水平。目前还无法预测这项技术是否能真的达到在实际道路自动驾驶的程度,因为这受到很多外部因素的影响。虽然如此,宝马承诺,这些车辆的自动驾驶程度能达到Level 3,也就是可以让驾驶员某些时候完全不用将精力集中于车辆操控,但仍需要在短时间内重新关注车辆操控。据悉,宝马将在2017年底生产40辆装配高度自动驾驶功能的BMW 7系车型在德国美国和以色列的道路先进行路试,测试车辆在开放路面行驶,主要在两种类型的路面进行测试,包括没有过往车辆的路面和城市中心区路面。目前,与其他大多数车厂的自动驾驶车型一样,宝马可以提供的车辆自动驾驶水平也是 Level 2,驾驶员的双手可以短暂离开方向盘。终极目标是达到 Level4或 Level 5水平,驾驶员将成为车内的另一名乘客。
BMW Details Plan For Fully Automated Driving By 2021
As we have already reported, BMW is joining forces with Mobileye and Intel to work on autonomous technologies set to be used in future production models of the brand. The first to feature such systems will arrive in 2021.
It’s going to be called the iNext and will be capable of Level 4 and 5 of autonomy. At this point, it’s very hard to predict whether or not this will be аpplicable in real-life road conditions, because it depends on a number of external factors. Given that, BMW promises the vehicle will certainly feature Level 3 of autonomy, which means drivers will sometimes be able to completely turn off their attention from driving, but must be able to step in again in short notice.
To achieve its goals in timely manner, BMW will launch a fleet of 40 highly automated or fully autonomous 7 Series test vehicles by the end of the year. Test drives will take place on public roads, the Bavarian company says, and focus on two main types of use: driving without oncoming traffic (motorways) and driving in city center environments. The public roads of USA, Israel, and Germany will be used for the tests – the home countries of Intel, Mobileye, and BMW.
Currently, just like most of the car companies, BMW offers Level 2 autonomy, where the driver can remove his hands from the steering wheel for brief periods. The ultimate goal is Level 4 and 5 autonomy, where the driver will become just another passenger in the vehicle.
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