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2017/2/22 9:05:17

最近谍照记者拍到了宾利欧陆GT最新测试照片。这辆测试车的车身进行了伪装,掩盖了真正的车身面板。车头部分只暴露了煎蛋形的前大灯,不过,该车前大灯实际上很可能采用类似 EXP 10 Speed 6概念车和先前测试车的分体设计。该车隐藏的后部面板不再采用先前的棱角分明设计,而采用更顺滑造型。车身其余部分则类似EXP 10 Speed 6概念车,预计这种侵略性造型将出现在最终量产版上。该车与最新款保时捷Panamera共享MSB平台,由于采用铝制车身,新车重量将进一步降低。由于与Panamera共享平台,因此两车的动力系统也将共享,包括4.0升V8双涡轮引擎,在Panamera上的功率为404千瓦/542马力,扭矩770牛米。另一台2.9升V6双涡轮增压插电混动版功率340千瓦/462马力,扭矩700牛米。另外,添越搭载的6.0升W12引擎也将出现在这款车上,其功率达到447千瓦/600马力,扭矩900牛米。预计欧陆GT轿跑车将于今年亮相,而GTC敞篷车则有可能在明年亮相。
Bentley Continental GT spied with more revealing camo
A new round of spy photos reveals Bentley testing the Continental GT with slightly different camouflage.
This Continental GT continues to have pieces of cladding that hide the actual body panels. Up front, the sections appear to distort the headlights into looking like fried eggs. We suspect the actual design features separated lights like the ones on the EXP 10 Speed 6 concept and previous test mules.
The new panels hiding the rear fenders drop the previous angular look in favor of a smoother design. Given the rest of the design’s cues from the EXP 10 Speed 6, we suspect the swoopy shape is closer to what might come on the production version.
Underneath the camouflaged skin, the future Bentley shares the MSB platform with the latest Porsche Panamera. The new parts should help reduce the big coupe’s weight, along with a switch to an aluminum body.
By sharing a chassis with the Panamera, the Continental GT should make use of some of the same engines, too. The range reportedly includes a 4.0-liter biturbo V8, which makes 542 horsepower (404 kilowatts) and 568 pound-feet (770 Newton-meters) in the Porsche. The biturbo 2.9-liter V6 with a plug-in hybrid might be available, and it makes of 462 hp (340 kW) and 517 lb-ft (700 Nm) in the German sedan. The Bentayga’s new biturbo 6.0-liter W12 with 600 hp (447kW) and 663 lb-ft (900 Nm) could be on the option list, too.
We expect a debut for the Continental GT coupe sometime in 2017. The GTC convertible would arrive later, possibly in 2018.
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