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2017/2/22 9:03:10

最近谍照记者拍到了采用量产版车身的兰博基尼Urus照片。这款车采用了大幅倾斜车顶和突出的车身上部特征线。从目前看,该车外观类似五年前发布的概念车。不过车厂研发部门主管Maurizio Reggiani透露,量产版的内外装都更优异。实际上,这位主管承诺,该车将成为同级车型中速度最快,动力最强劲车型。该车搭载一台4.0升V8双涡轮引擎,这也是该品牌首款搭载涡轮增压引擎的车型。不仅如此,这款车还将提供插电混动系统。该车与第二代Q7和宾利添越共享MLB Evo平台,因此内部结构没有什么不同。最近有报道称,兰博基尼计划在4月的上海车展发布Urus。
2018 Lamborghini Urus spied with production body
After catching a glimpse of the Urus’ posterior last week in Denmark, Lamborghini’s SUV is making headlines once again after a prototype was spotted in neighboring Norway and thankfully someone had a camera to take a few shots of the front. It looks just about ready to lose the disguise and reveal its sharp production body with a heavily sloped roofline and a prominent upper character line.
From what we are able to see so far, the road-going model will mimic the concept introduced roughly five years ago, but bear in mind Lamborghini’s R&D boss, Maurizio Reggiani, has revealed the styling will be “much better inside and out.” Indeed, the very same Reggiani has promised the Urus is going to be the fastest and most powerful model in its segment.
Speaking of power, we already know what will reside underneath the hood: a biturbo 4.0-liter V8, thus making it the only turbocharged raging bull from Sant’Agata Bolognese. Not only that, but the Urus will also be the very first production Lamborghini to utilize an unspecified plug-in hybrid system.
The underpinnings are already pretty much known taking into account it will utilize the MLB Evo platform like the second-generation Audi Q7 and the Bentley Bentayga.
A recent report indicates Lamborghini will take the wraps off the production-ready Urus at the Auto Shanghai in April and will kick off pre-production the same month.
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