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2016/11/30 8:49:50


目光敏锐的谍照记者首次设法拍到了重度伪装的宝马X7量产版车身照片。正如预计的那样,该车的车身尺寸很大。这款车采用了最终量产版车身和硕大双肾格栅。车身的云纹伪装很好的掩盖了原型车的外观设计。但即便这样也能注意到,该车的前大灯和尾灯组是临时安装的,这表明该车仍处于早期测试阶段。整体来看,它就像大一号的宝马X5。这辆SUV基本上等同于7系车,该车将只在美国斯帕腾伯格工厂生产并将采用CLAR平台。车辆内部可搭乘七名乘客,但宝马还计划推出更豪华的四座版本。由于宝马还在讨论该车的衍生版本,预计未来还将增加X7 M满血版本,但即便该车获批,最快也要等到2020年才会投产。如果X7 M没有获批,Alpina最近递交了新的申请,很有可能会推出XC7汽油版和XD7柴油版车型。现在谈论X7价格还为时过早,不过可以想象X7将比7系车价格高得多,而X7 M将会更贵。预计三排座的X7将在2018年推出并将作为2019款车型在美国上市,竞争车型包括奔驰GLS和路虎揽胜。随后宝马将很快发布四座版车型。

BMW X7 caught with production body for the first time
Our eagle-eyed spy photographers have managed to immortalize a heavily disguised prototype of the BMW X7 hiding the production body for the very first time. As expected, it looks absolutely massive even though the images were captured from afar. This time around it appears to have the final body panels and a huge kidney grille.

The swirly camouflage does a good job at hiding the prototype’s design, but even so we are able to notice those headlights and taillights are only temporary and used during the early testing phase. Overall, it gives the impression of a larger X5.

Basically the SUV equivalent of the 7 Series, BMW’s forthcoming luxobarge will be built exclusively at the Spartanburg factory in United States and will ride on the CLAR platform. It’s going to host up to seven people inside its lavish cabin, but there are also plans for an even more luxurious four-seater version.

Since we’re on the subject of additional variants, BMW is allegedly toying around with the idea of giving the X7 the full-on M treatment, but even if approved, it won’t come sooner than 2020. If an X7 M won’t actually happen, recent trademark fillings have shown Alpina will most likely prepare powered-up XB7 gasoline and XD7 diesel models.

It’s too soon to talk about prices, although you can imagine the X7 is going to command a significant premium over the equivalent 7 Series, while the aforementioned ultra-luxurious model will be even more expensive.

Expect the three-row BMW X7 to be revealed at some point in 2018 and go on sale in United States as a 2019MY to take on the likes of Mercedes-Benz GLS and Range Rover. The four-seater derivative should follow shortly.

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