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2016/9/23 9:01:16

阿斯顿马丁DB11赛车合成图近日曝光。这张合成图由数字艺术家Rain Prisk绘制,该车外观非常抢眼。硕大的外延轮拱增加了车身的肌肉感,而它的独立尾翼和前扰流器可以有效提升下压力。引擎盖下的车鼻可以为车身内搭载的5.2升V12引擎配备的双涡轮增压器输送更多空气。阿斯顿马丁及其赛车合作伙伴Prodrive将开发基于下一代Vantage的赛车,该车将在未来一到两年后发布。
Aston Martin DB11 Racecar with Vulcan Headlights Rendering Surfaces Early
We're dealing with an Aston Martin DB11 that has received a racecar makeover. From the widebody elements, to details such as the visible tow strap and the overly generous rear wing, this digital dream screams "abuse me on the track!"
It’s the work of digital artist Rain Prisk, and it looks absolutely stunning. The massively stretched fenders add significant extra visual muscle, while the gigantic rear wing and front spoiler speak of significant downforce. My favorite details by far, though, are the nostrils in the bonnet feeding huge lungfuls of air to the 5.2-liter, V12 engine’s two turbos.
In all likelihood, Aston and its racing partner, Prodrive, will base its next race cars on the next-generation Vantage, which is due in a year or two.
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